
Friday, May 05, 2006
The Power of Myth
Lee Harris on the staying power of socialism:
This is why socialism isn't dead, and why in our own century it may well spring back into life with a force and vigor shocking to those who have, with good reason, declared socialism to be no longer viable. It is also why Georges Sorel is perhaps even more relevant today than he was a hundred years ago. He knew that it was hopeless to guide men by reason and argument alone. Men need myths -- and until capitalism can come up with a transformative myth of its own, it may well be that many men will prefer to find their myths in the same place they found them in the first part of the twentieth century -- the myth of revolutionary socialism.
Emphasis mine. Via Instapundit.

Thursday, May 04, 2006
CAFE Standards Battle
To raise CAFE standards, or not to raise CAFE standards. That is not really the question.
While we should be launching a massive and comprehensive push for energy self-sufficiency, a bunch of point-scoring politicians are pandering to tree-huggers getting high on self-righteous Bush bashing down at the low-CARB CAFE.
Via Instapundit.