
Monday, March 31, 2003
Dodging A Bullet
It's no surprise that my Bears aren't on the Top 5 off-season list, but thank God we didn't make the "Bottom" 5 list. Whew. Links via Inoperable Terran.

C.S. Mustard
The best yet on the Arnett fiasco.

MORE: VodkaPundit on Arnett.

Who's got the Sharp Knife?
Kudos to this old lady. Oh, and read as much of the Knife as you can while you're there. It's incredible.

China tells N. Korea To Behave
China cut off N. Korea's oil supply for three straight days. Oops, technical problems guys. Oh, by the way, shape up or face the consequences.

I know everyone has blogged this already, but it's an important development in the "N. Korea problem", especially considering the fact that the U.S. is involved in full scale war in the Middle East. I'm linking to the InstaMan's post on the event.
"...nobody, but nobody wants a regime as kooky as North Korea's on their border, armed with nuclear weapons."

Sunday, March 30, 2003
Sunday, the Day of Rest
I'm resting. Be back Monday.

More on NOLA
Misanthropic Sylvia has posted NOLA 1.5, details on some of our tamer exploits in the French Quarter.

Saturday, March 29, 2003
Victor Davis Hanson hits a thoughtful, encouraging, and insightful home run over at NRO.

Friday, March 28, 2003
Better than the Vic's Secret Catalog
My Aerostitch RiderWearHouse catalog came in the mail the other day. It was a special surprise as the catalogs are published incredibly infrequently. You never know when a mailing from Aerostitch is going to show up in the mailbox.

Needless to say, it got my blood pumping just like it used to. In the days of yore, before I owned my first motorcycle, I would go over to my moto-mentor's house and dig through all of his motorcycle books, magazines, newsletters, and of course, his tattered Aerostitch catalog. I've now been riding for about 3 years, I'm on bike number two, and the Aerostitch catalog still makes me salivate. Mmmmmm, Aerostitch.

The list of things I want from the catalog this time is far too long to list here, and would probably bore you to death anyhow. I'll just stick to the one I can't resist, and will order as quickly as I can find out how many pennies I have to spare. It's a clear plastic map pocket that will velcro to the left upper thigh of the Roadcrafter suit. I can't tell you how many times I've needed to write some directions down and have them handy for me on the road. Going to the new girl's house, visiting my brother's new apartment, or heading over to somebody's place to fix a computer all require directions, at least the first time. There's no way I'm going to strap on the tank bag and use that map pocket for a quick trip across town, and I can't exactly throw the directions on the passenger seat for quick reference now can I? With this thigh map pocket, I can jot down some quick directions, pop them in the see-through sleeve, velcro it right to the suit, and I'm out. Beautiful.

More on Media
The InstaMan provides further commentary and linkage on the mediocre media coverage of GWII.

Synopsis of TV War Coverage
This is why I can't watch the War on TV anymore. Thanks to Emperor Misha I for the link.

Support for the War
Support for the War in Iraq is still at 70% here in the States (last paragraph), and Command Post is reporting that public opinion in support of the war in Britain is up to 59%.

News Coverage
The Atlanta correspondent emailed me this comment early this morning.
Actually heard on my former favorite Atlanta radio station, News-Talk
750 WSB:

"We interrupt live CNN coverage of the War With Iraq (tm) to bring you
local news, weather, and traffic."

Al Qaeda in Iraq?
Head over to InstaPundit for the scoop.

Thursday, March 27, 2003
Is Frank Writing for The Onion?
This Onion article about the U.S.U.N. sounds suspiciously similar to some IMAO offerings.
WASHINGTON, DC—Frustrated with the United Nations' "consistent, blatant regard for the will of its 188 member nations," the U.S. announced Monday the formation of its own international governing body, the U.S.U.N.


"We gave the old U.N. a go for I don't know how many years, but it just wasn't working," said Dick Cheney, a U.S. delegate to the U.S.U.N. "Really, I have no idea what we were doing sacrificing all that power and autonomy in exchange for a couple of lousy troops from New Zealand."

Added Cheney: "I can't tell you how much easier it is to achieve consensus when you don't have to worry about dissent."
Heh. Sounds good to me.

Thanks to my hetero lifemate Misanthropic Sylvia for reminding me about The Onion in the midst of our shared frustration over the media coverage of GWII.

My Feelings Exactly
Wow. I love Rachel Lucas. She comes really close to summing up my frustration with the war in one of her posts from yesterday.
It's fascinating to see so much happening in real time, and to have access to 24-hour-a-day updates, and to hear from all those embedded reporters, but the fact remains that you and I, here in our homes in America, don't know the half of it. We don't even know the tenth of it, I'd guess.

So what I hear is often incredibly frustrating, because I just want to know what else is going on. I want to hear, "Thousands of Iraqis are trying to march out of Baghdad, but coalition forces are bombing the hell out of them so they can't get close enough to our troops to inflict any damage." It's all so misleading and so incomplete, and I know that. No big deal. I just wonder if I'm the only one who's feeling rather irritated with the war coverage right now.
No Rachel, you're not. I'm right there with you.

Ho Hum
Not much catching my attention today. You might check out CDI for some interesting "public consumption" Intelligence related reports. Their Eye on Iraq section is especially interesting. Link via The Agonist.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Scattered Thoughts

  • The Michael Moore Academy Award is causing quite a stir on the 'net. I'm getting search engine referrals for things like +"academy award" +"rule 11".
  • The war doesn't seem to be going "according to plan". Feh. See "Disinfo" below.
  • Paving France is a cause we can all get behind. Via the comments at LGF.
  • PBR is good for you.
  • Is anyone else wondering what's happening in the world besides war? That kind of news is hard to come by nowadays. Scary. Lots of weird stuff gets pushed through legislatures when no one is watching.

More later...

Happy 1,000th Hit To Me!
That's not many, but it's huge for a little dog like me. Thanks to the ShinySideUp loyal, Clubbeaux, VodkaPundit, and Emperor Misha I.

Instapundit has a great post that points out that "there is so much disinformation about that it is impossible to assess the actual progress of the war." After watching the first night of war coverage on Fox News, I got this message loud and clear. As the week has progressed, it has become increasingly difficult to formulate a picture of exactly what is going on in the war, especially if TV is your main news source. To tell you the truth, the TV coverage is so frenetic that I can't even watch it anymore. Makes my brain hurt.

Here's what I think is happening, and what I think is going to happen in the next couple of weeks. How it will happen and how it will be reported is anyone's guess.

  1. We're kicking ass.
  2. We've been kicking ass for a long time.
  3. We will kick Saddam's ass decisively.
  4. Saddam's ass will be ours.
That's about it. There will be setbacks, casualties, stiff resistance, international "outrage", and all around hard times in the days and weeks to come. There will also be great rejoicing by the Iraqi people, incredible battles, and massive American/Coalition victories.

For the sake of my sanity, I think I will forego almost all TV coverage, hit the Agonist and the Command Post for the war updates, and reinforce what I read there with mostly well reasoned commentary from the rest of the blogosphere (check out my blogroll to the left). We'll find out what really happened in this war, and the brilliance of the much maligned war plan, in a couple of years.

I'll leave you with a sanity saving comment from Emperor Misha I, posted sometime yesterday.
Every time you hear the statement "the war isn't proceeding according to plan" or some such variation of that, such as "the Administration's expectations have been thwarted", ask yourself this one simple question:

Which ACTUAL Administration Official's "expectations" and "master plan" are they referring to? Do they offer an actual SOURCE or are they merely referring to some retired has-been "expert"'s best guess?
Now go forth, be ye encouraged, and maintain thy sanity.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Akbar Roundup
Good info and commentary on Sgt. Akbar over at Intel Dump. Link via Command Post.

Crazy Day
Work has been really nuts today. I'm getting really tired of blogging on the war too. Command Post and Agonist have me beat on that anyhow. Check them out for breaking news, I'll be around with something new soon.

Hippies and Monty Python
Go see Misha for some "lovely filth" on hippies.

Monday, March 24, 2003
Food Not Bombs
I just got a Google referral for "food not bombs shirt". Here's the relevant post. Heh.

New Roommate
Looks like I'm getting a new roommate in the form of my sister's cat, Boo, A.K.A. "Gangsta Boo", "Boo Radley", and a bevy of nicknames I know I'll come up with for her. Boo is a badass, a good friend of mine, and needs a place to stay for a while. I'm glad she'll be keeping this young, available, moderately good looking bachelor company for a while (ladies?).

Along with helping Boo settle in and softball practice tonight, I think I'll be taking a break from blogging until later this evening (if my cable modem service is running again).

So is it a Chemical Plant or Not?
We may not know for a while, according to some insight from Jonah Goldberg.

Take That You French Assclowns!
The Sun assaults a French military ship on the Thames. Via K-Lo of The Corner.

Back to Work
I'm up to my elbows in a malfunctioning NEC Versa 6060 (blech) and a fiber documentation project. My internet is on the fritz at home, and my TV started acting up again. Updates througout the day as I get an opportunity.

Sunday, March 23, 2003
The Human Shields are Coming Around
From the UK Telegraph: I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam.

The Yankee Herald comments on the UPI story of human shields shocked back to reality.

The 101st Tragedy
Goldberg on Akbar in the Corner.
It seems to me, if Akbar has confessed -- and it sounds like he has -- it's hard to see why he shouldn't have a field court-martial and be executed.

MORE: The inimitable Derb chimes in with this link.

EVEN MORE: Keep an eye on the Corner for updates on the Akbar issue. The gist of the posts is dissapointing. Looks like this'll go more like a civilian trial rather than a battlefield courtmartial.

MORE: Why is Fox News reporting "resentment" as the motive of the attack?

MORE: Imperial Researcher Oki reports on the A.I.R. that the spin has begun.

Oscar Watch
Who gives a rip about the Oscars? Well, maybe you do, but I sure don't. This year however, Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine is nominated in the Documentary Feature category. In a piece that I linked earlier (and many others have linked as well), David Hardy clearly shows that Bowling... is by no means a documentary, and violates the Academy's own rules for what constitues a documentary.
...the Academy Award rules here are specific. Rule 11 lays out "Special Rules for the Documentary Award." And it begins with the definition: "A documentary film is defined as a non-fiction motion picture . . . ." It goes on to say that a documentary doesn't always have to show the "actual occurrence": it can employ re-enactment, etc., "as long as the emphasis is on factual content and not on fiction."
Of course, the Hollywood left has never cared about the truth before, and there's no reason to believe that they'll care tonight.

I'm keeping my eye on IMDB's Live Oscar Results being posted on their home page. Of course, it won't be any shock at all if Bowling... wins. What it will be is empirical evidence of Hollywood's pervasive lean to the left and their utter disregard for anything that resembles the truth.

UPDATE: Well, that didn't take long. IMDB just updated, and Bowling... is the winner in the documentary category. May I say it again? BULLSHIT.

MORE: Well, this is encouraging. MooreWatch is reporting that Moore has been booed off the stage. Sure wish I had been watching.

MOORE IN THE CORNER: Start here and see the next 2 posts as well.

MORE: Yahoo is covering the "Booing of the Moore".

HOW MUCH MORE? Via MooreWatch, another debunking of Bowling.... My favorite line? "Nothing was checking out. Emphasis original. My favorite twist? The author is, or was, a Moore believer.

FINAL: Text of Moore's acceptance speech.

Nice Break from the War
"The New Adventures of Mr. T" on Saturday Night Live is playing on Comedy Central.
Crazy gymnastics kid w/ Mr. T: I'm hungry Mr. T.

Mr. T: Stop that jibba-jabba. You'll eat when I find work. Stay in school.

F the Russians
I wondered why the Russians were so oppossed to this war, especially considering the much touted "friendship" between Putin and Bush that we've been hearing about for the past couple of years. Now I know.
The United States delivered a protest to the government of President Vladimir Putin yesterday for refusing to stop Russian arms dealers from providing illegal weapons and assistance to the Iraqi military.

Bush administration sources said one Russian company is helping the Iraqi military deploy electronic jamming equipment against U.S. planes and bombs, and two others have sold antitank missiles and thousands of night-vision goggles in violation of U.N. sanctions. The sources said Moscow has ignored entreaties from senior Bush administration officials concerned about the threat to U.S. forces.

BULLSHIT Confirmation
Here's the reason I just said BULL-FRIGGIN-SHIT.

F the French
And don't forget to F the Germans too.

Report from the Rally
From the Memphis Commercial Appeal.
The event, organized by American Legion Post 252, brought military family members, veterans of other wars and citizens together. It began more than 30 minutes after its scheduled noon start to allow the traffic jam of those still arriving to clear. Even after the speaking began, cars streamed into the stadium parking lot for 45 minutes.

The participants came from throughout the region, in flag-adorned cars, on Harleys, in wheelchairs and strollers, bearing yellow ribbons and red-white-and-blue banners.

They carried posters bearing soldiers' pictures. They wore uniforms bearing medals.

And they wore sunglasses to shield their emotions as much as the ultraviolet rays. Vietnam veteran Phil Waldon of Memphis pulled off his glasses to explain.

"You see my eyes don't you?" he said, exposing eyes reddened by the emotion of the event.

Waldon and several other Vietnam veterans expressed gratification that today's soldiers are getting more support than they believe they did more than 30 years ago.
The rally in Millington yesterday was called "Rally for America", but that generic name belies the real purpose of the rally, to show support for our troops where ever they may be.

I rode up with a couple of guys from Bikers Under the Son and a big group from Southern Cruisers. The hour long ride was absolutely beautiful, and the rally itself was incredible.

The message of the rally was delivered by war veterans themselves. We got to hear from an 82 year old Navy retiree, a young Army Sergeant about to be deployed, and a corpsman who was paralyzed from the waist down during Gulf War I (to name a few). The message from all of the servicemen and women was the same, our troops need our support. We must not repeat the mistakes that we as a nation made when our troops returned from the Vietnam war. We can show our support by mail, email, telephone, giving aid to the military dependents who are here at home, eagerly awaiting the return of their loved ones.

Let me paraphrase a couple of stories that I heard at the rally that demonstrate the impact that we can have on our troops in the field. The first comes from an Army Sergeant, a veteran of Gulf War I who is about to be deployed to Gulf War II.
"When the first mail shipment showed up in the Gulf, it was lined up on the flightline in box after box. The majority of the mail was addressed to 'Any Soldier', 'Any Airman'. I took a handful of these letters back with me, read them, and answered every question in them.

"One of my favorites came from a second grader. In his letter, he asked me what food I missed the most while I was in the field. Trying to stay on a second grade level, I answered that the food I missed the most was Doritos.

"About six weeks later, I heard my name called during mail call. I was told that there was a box waiting for me on the back of the truck. The second grader that received my reply had shared with his class that I missed Doritos more than any other food. The whole class got together and chipped in and shipped me six cases of Doritos. Until that day, I had no idea that Doritos could make a grown woman cry."
From USAF Major Tony Lopez (Ret.), an OV-10 Bronco pilot in Vietnam.
"I was flying a mission and got a radio call telling me to return to base. When I returned to base, I was disarmed and then taxied over towards the hangars. When I got out of my plane, the company chaplain came over to me and told me that my mother had died, and that my family was holding the funeral until I got home. My company commander told me that my bags had already been packed, my uniform was waiting for me, and that his plane was waiting for me on the tarmac to take me to a military transport that was waiting on my arrival. I was going home to be with my family and to be at my mothers funeral.

"After a flight that took me from Vietnam to Tokyo and to Anchorage, I finally arrived in San Francisco. I was to catch a bus there to head to Lompoc and be with my family.

"As I was waiting in the terminal for my bus, a hippie came up to me, breath stinking of marijuana, eyes horribly bloodshot, and began screaming, 'Baby killer, baby killer!' Now you know I'm a latino, and I have a temper. I grabbed him by his fingers and pulled him down to my level, pulling off my sunglasses so that he could see that my eyes were as bloodshot as his. I said, 'Look you sorry so-and-so, 19 hours ago I was killing people in the country of Vietnam. It won't hurt my feelings one little bit to kill one more.' I turned and got on the bus.

"As I got on the bus, the bus driver shook my hand and thanked me for my service to my country. He showed me to an empty seat and said, 'That fella won't bother you anymore.' Then the entire bus stood and clapped for me."
These two stories demonstrate clearly the importance of supporting our troops. Emails, letters, handshakes, cookies, Doritos, and demostrations are all ways we can show our troops how much we appreciate their sacrifice that we may be free. It's our responsibility, our duty, and we're honor bound to ensure that the tragic events that occurred upon our troops return from Vietnam never happen again.

101st Airborne Tragedy
Fox News is reporting that the Muslim coward that attacked his commanding officers was disgruntled that he wasn't being sent to the front lines.



Saturday, March 22, 2003
It's Time for Bed
I can't seem to recover from my NOLA Trip (Sylvia has Part 1.2 of our trip posted). I'm going to watch a movie with my neighbor and call it a night.

Thanks to Emperor Misha I for the links. See you guys tomorrow.

No, No, No
101st Airborne attacked from within? Dixie-Flatline has the first I've seen on it, Fox News is reporting on it RIGHT NOW. Fox News verifies that the attacker is a Muslim.

MORE: You know, I couldn't figure out how an attacking force hit this 101st camp within Kuwait. This makes sense, but it is the most horrible answer to the question of how this happened. The terrorist infiltration of our armed forces is even more complete than we thought.

God be with the wounded, and may the flaming piece of shit that attacked them be sent straight to hell so the Devil may give him his due.

MORE: Fox News needs to quit calling this sorry piece of trash a "Muslim-American".

MORE: Thank God none of our soldiers have died as a result of this attack.

MORE: This from Command Post is chilling.

NOTE: It is entirely possible that this is a criminal occurence and not a terrorist infiltration. I hope with all my heart that the former is the case, but I'm betting on the latter.

MORE: InstaPundit has a lot of good linkage on the story.

MORE: Analysis and rebuttal by Dixie-Flatline. Thanks to Dixie for his excellent and cogent coverage of this story.

Back from the Rally, Going to Bed
I got about 3 hours of sleep last night, rode a 100 mile day on the motorcycle, sat in the hot sun for 3 1/2 hours, all without any food or drink since dinner last night. The rally was incredible. I'll report when I wake up.

Off to the Rally
I'm off to the Millington Rally for America. Hope to see my fellow Memphians there. Full report upon my return.

Friday, March 21, 2003
Rally for America
Sister stations 600 WREC and 990 KWAM are hosting a Rally for America tomorrow at USA Stadium in Millington, TN. Full details here. Be there at noon!

I'll be meeting a group of fellow patriotic bikers tomorrow at 9 AM (that's way early, but not too early to show support for our troops). We'll be riding out to Collierville and then on to Millington. Shoot me an email if you're in the Memphis area and would like to ride with us. See you tomorrow.

Saddam is What?
The debate rages on regarding whether or not Saddam is still alive. Fox News just reported that Iraqi TV says Saddam is coordinating the Iraqi defense. Is it true? Is he alive? Or is it just propaganda? Who knows. We'll find out soon enough.

My question is why Iraqi TV (or Saddam, if he's alive) would broadcast that the reincarnation of Saladin is the one responsible for this piss poor excuse for a military response. Maybe I've missed the relevant report, but as far as I can tell the Iraqis aren't putting up much of a fight at all. If I were Saddam, and if I were alive, I'd blame this weak defense on traitorous General with a desire to buddy up to the Great Evil.

Just a thought.

Idiotarian Appeasnik Gets One in the Nose
Let me set the scene. My friend, who shall go nameless, is a hot, tattooed chick with a high ranking father deployed in the field. An Idiotarian Appeasnik is wasting the thinking world's time and ruining a beautiful spring night by handing out flyers that say "No Blood for Oil!". Let's listen in.
Idiotarian Appeasnik: Here you go (hands my friend a flyer).

Hot Tattooed Chick: (Reads the flyer) Talk to me when you get a clue.

IA: What's that supposed to mean?

HTC: If you think this war is about oil, then you don't know anything.

IA: Well that's what we fought over the first time.

HTC: The first time it was oil, it's not about oil today. Can I ask you a question?

IA: What question?

HTC: It must be nice.

IA: What's nice?

HTC: Is ignorance really bliss?

IA: Our troops are over there fighting for (at this point the Appeasnik begins blathering something about oil or a police state or something braindead).

HTC: Like I said, when you get a clue, we'll talk.
At this point, Hot Tattooed Chick turns to leave. As she's trying to walk off, this Appeasnik proves his complete and total ignorance by coming up behind her and grabbing her arm. Now, my friend is a tough girl, and she grew up in one of the toughest cities in the US. She's developed instictive reactions to men grabbing her from behind at night. I'll bet you can guess what happened next.


Down goes the Appeasnik, with what Hot Tattooed Chick reports must have been a broken nose. Of course, Hot Tattooed Chick didn't stick around to find out.

Listen you little neo-hippie, Marxist assclowns, feel free to protest. Feel free to speak what little is on your minds. Feel free to regurgitate your asinine, Marxist/Socialist/Communist, pre-packaged, cliche talking points. But cross the line and assault those who don't want to waste their time on you and you may just end up with a broken nose and blood dripping all over your homemade "Food Not Bombs" shirt. Consider yourselves warned.

More on Moore
A great piece on the lies and distortions in Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. The article specifically addresses the supposition that Bowling is a documentary.
Bowling fails the first requirement of a documentary: some foundation in the truth. In his earlier works, Moore shifted dates and sequences for the sake of drama, but at least the events depicted did occur. Most of the time. Bowling breaks that last link with factual reality. It makes its points by deceiving and by misleading the viewer. Statements are made which are false. The viewer is invited to draw inferences which the producer must have known were wrong. Dates are transposed and video carefully edited to create whatever effect is desired. Indeed, even speeches shown on screen are heavily edited, so that sentences are assembled in the speaker's voice, but which he never uttered.

These occur with such frequency and seriousness as to rule out unintentional error. Any polite description would be inadequate, so let me be blunt. Bowling uses deliberate deception as its primary tool of persuasion and effect.
(Emphasis original) The essay is well worth a read. F Moore.

The News Just Keeps Getting Better
From the NYT.
The commander of Iraq's 51st division and his top deputy surrendered to United States Marine forces today, according to American military officials.

It was the first time that the commander of an Iraqi division has surrendered to allied forces. The 51st is a Regular Army unit that was deployed in southern Iraq directly in the path of the allied invasion.
The rate of surrender should only accelerate from this point on.

Those Wacky Marines
Right on, boys!

Attn. Peacenicks
How 'bout a nice yummy plate of good ole American crow?

"Shock and Awe" has begun. I haven't seen fireworks like this in my entire life.

Tired of Reading About War?
Then head over to Dixie-Flatline for a stunning series of pictures that will make you proud to be an American and proud as hell of our boys in the field.

I'm not linking any one particular post as Dixie keeps adding pictures. The display currently starts with TRIUMPH.

Well, give up warblogging for the next few days. Adela just posted her prediction for the next week or so of the war. Sounds about right to me.

UPDATE: Blogspot archives hosed. Again. Check Adela's page for the post War News for the Next Few Days.

/me Crossing My Fingers
Did we get Saddam? Of course, even if we did, we probably won't really know for quite some time.

More Analysis of the French Situation
Single out West brings us this gem regarding the sorry, spineless, cheese eating weasels French. It's an older post, but it's still relevant.
Similarly, I think that's why we see the French and Germans throwing every roadblock they can in front of the U.S's desire to invade Iraq. They're terrified that if we invade we'll find out that they've been touching Saddam's boobies.
Heh. You know, this reminds me of the Mean Mr. Mustard post I linked the other day.

Stick it to 'em boys. Thanks to the Grillmaster for the link.

May I Have Another Steak Please?
Misanthropic Sylvia is doing her part to piss off PETA in her own inimitable style (as of this posting, her archives working properly, thank you blogspot, but the post won't be hard to find).

Thursday, March 20, 2003
More Diversions From The War
Our apartment complex is fielding a softball team this year, and I just got back from my first practice. I haven't played sports for years, and it was a lot of fun to get out and hit a couple balls and learn to catch and throw all over again. Good times. Good friends. Priceless.

Blow Your Anti-Terrorism Whistle
Heh. Thanks Russell.

War Music
Thanks to the Emperor for pointing me to the Confused Jew's Victory Playlist. I'm burning some CD's tonight.

Top Notch Blog War Coverage
It's VodkaPundit for my money. Go read his stuff. Blogroll him. Shoot him an email and say, "Damn, you're good."

WHOA: Thanks guys. I'm honored.

Greetings to the VodkaVisitors. Hope you enjoy the site. It's not hard liquor, but who doesn't enjoy a beer now and then?

As for me, I'm stuck fighting a broken modem on a laptop at work right now, but I'll be back soon.

MORE: I guess a lot of folks agree with me. VodkaPundit is currently winning a "Best Warblog" poll.

Did We Get Uday Last Night?
Check Rantburg for the story.

MORE: Check out Suman Palit's take on the Uday question.

World Reaction
I don't give a hot damn what the Axis of Weasel's and company has to say about the "illegitimacy" of the war, but it makes for humorous reading.
Neutral Finland weighed in, too, with President Tarja Halonen calling military force outside the U.N. Security Council "not acceptable."

"The ongoing war must not result in the marginalization of the United Nations," she said.
Um, a little late for that, Tarja.

My favorite take on the subject so far is Mean Mr. Mustard's "coyote-ugly" post.

Night is Coming
It seems that the biggest news so far is the dawn strike agains "targets of military opportunity" in Iraq. Saddam's forces immediately responded with weapons they weren't suppossed to have, and even still denies having. I guess it could be true that Iraq doesn't have any scuds left if they've fired them all off by now.

Anyhow, night is coming in Baghdad, and I imagine the full power of the United States and our multilateral coalition is coming with it. More soon.

Won't Do That Again
I slept on the couch last night so with the television on. The plan was to try and keep up with the war news. The end result is that I didn't sleep very well and I didn't keep up on any news.

I actually ended up having a nightmare about a voodoo church (voodoo church?) kidnapping a hitchhiker that I picked up. As I was trying to escape the voodoo church, a possessed voodoo practitioner caught me and was holding me by the legs. She started saying a bunch of stuff to me that was decidedly "un-voodoo-like" in a decidedly british accent. I woke up to Fox News covering the House of Commons speeches. Don't think I'll be sleeping on the couch again tonight.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003
The President Has Spoken
Bush just finished his brief address to the nation on the war in Iraq. This is a real leader, with a real message to the world. But forget about what he has to say. We can judge his character by his actions.

Time for me to glue myself to the television. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

UPDATE: Here is the text of the President's speech, courtesy of The Corner.

Our Message to the Fifth Column
Misha sends a clear, concise message to the Fifth Column.
If you get in my way, blocking the road and preventing me from performing my duty, I want you to know this one thing:

I will slow down, honk my horn and give you ONE chance to move out of the way.

If you don't heed that warning, I will roll over you without remorse.
I'm on a 2001 Kawasaki Concours with Amercian flags on both sides. I can't run you sorry sons of bitches over, but I'll deliver a mean side kick with some steel toed boots at about 50 mph. And I'm not honking.

Here's the Emperor's original post on the Fifth Column, with a link to David Horowitz's piece fleshing out the Fifth Column's plans for illegal acts of domestic terrorism. Read it, and keep your eyes open.

UPDATE: Mean Mr. Mustard comments on the planned civil disobedience. Sounds like it might be Mr. Mustard with the crowbar in the Bay Area. Right on.

Per Fox News
The White House confirms that as of 20:54 CST the war against Iraq has begun. May God be with our boys in the field and their families here at home. Now let's go get those bastards.

MORE: Amen Jonah: "Prayers, crossed fingers and all good thoughts for the good guys and the innocents. The bad guys are on their own."

MORE: Tomahawk Cruise missles have been fired against Iraq, purportedly against "leadership targets". No word on how many at this time.

Rachel Brings It Home
Rachel Lucas posts a powerful piece about the war on Iraq.
Last week, I dug out a book I bought a while back, written by a British journalist who spent a few months in Iraq just after the liberation of Kuwait, which also talks in painful detail about the living conditions of the average Iraqi citizen. There's a story about a young woman who'd been gang raped four different times by various government men.

And there's more, so very much more. You could spend months reading about all of it.

Anyway. It's finally hit me quite clearly - the United States is going to put a stop to that tyranny. We're actually going to do it, despite all the screeching from the weasels of the world, despite all the asshatted protestors, despite the U.N.'s pathetic impotence. It's really quite astonishing, and fantastically riveting in a historical sense.
It's a short piece. Tear yourself away from the TV for another 30 seconds and give it a read.

US Soldiers have been told not to display the American flag. What?
As for the ban on flags, its effect was apparent in this camp Wednesday, where no more than a handful of vehicles mustering for the invasion displayed any flags.
Officials say the flag could give the citizens of Iraq the wrong idea about the convoys of artillery, ammunition and soldiers.
They are not, these officials say, an army of conquest, intent on claiming Iraqi land or treasure for the United States, but a liberation force. They are concerned that streams of American flags would be seen as provocative.
OK, I just don't get this. The "Shock and Awe" campaign is cool, but the provocative act of displaying the American flag is not. That just seems ridiculous.

Scattered Thoughts On NOLA

  • The Shim Sham is the greatest club on the planet. It's my home in NOLA, without doubt. The best music, the best atmosphere, and the best jukebox I've ever found.
  • Bourbon Street still sucks like a Hoover. If you go to NOLA to hang on Bourbon, then you and I probably have nothing in common.
  • If you wanna get pierced in NOLA, head over to Rings of Desire on Decatur. The staff is professional and super friendly and the shop is one of the nicest I've ever been in.
  • Speaking of Rings of Desire, they just let dude from Fun Rock'n have the front of their store. Coolest bunch of merchandise I've ever seen in my life. Check out his site and see what I mean.
  • The St. Patrick's Day parade in the Garden District was a ton of fun. It was my first big NOLA parade, complete with bead throwing and gigantic floats. You did have to watch out for flying produce though. Sylvia saw a guy get cold knocked out by flying cabbage last year, and I saw a chick who had taken it in the lip from a potato. Sylvia and her Mom both caught potatoes with their heads, but luckily they didn't get it too bad.
  • If you get a chance to see King Louie, the One Man Band, do it. By Saturday night Sylvia and I didn't have enough money left to pay cover for the gig, but I helped dude tune his guitar before he played. He's a decent dude with some great grungy, punk/blues licks under his belt.

More on NOLA later...

Now We Can Really Have Some Fun
The Vodka Pundit points us lovingly towards the Gulf War II Drinking Game. Looks like tonight will be a late one for me...

Blog Quality That Will Please You
My sister's blog has quickly surpassed the quality of my own, especially in the humorous-take-on-current-events category. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

So It Begins (Cue Mortal Kombat Music)
The British Times Online reports that "the first shots of the war have been fired." Apparently the Kuwaitis got off the first couple of rounds. Saddam's 48 hours aren't quite up yet, so I'm guessing we won't get much more action until later tonight.

UPDATE: Guess we're not going to wait the full 48. Also see this and this from the Instaman.

I'm back in Memphis safely, but just barely. NOLA was a blast, and St. Patty's in Memphis was a lot of fun. I'm so glad I took today off of work. After 5 straight days of "celebration", one needs to take some time to recover. You can check out Sylvia's take on the adventure in Part 1 of a series of 3 posts about our trip (fair warning: my parents might want to skip the series). I'm looking forward to Parts 2 and 3 as she's a much better writer than I am.

Real blogging resumes tomorrow later today (I didn't realize how far past my bedtime it is).

Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Quick Update
I finally ended up leaving work yesterday around 1pm and I haven't been back since. I've got a nice version of "the crud", whatever it is that's being passed around, and I'm currently heavily medicated. Let's just say that prescription cold medication and blogging don't mix. As a result, it'll probably be slow around here for the next couple of days. I've also got a vacation to New Orleans coming up this week and while I'd like to post from the road, I'm not sure I'll be able to. It may be next Tuesday before I'm really back at full force.

Before I go I'd like to say thanks to David over at Clubbeaux for the kind words about ShinySideUp. Many thanks also go to the visitors from Clubbeaux. Hope you guys are enjoying the Pabst inspired, two wheeled commentary.

Have a good week. Drink one for me on St. Paddy's.

Monday, March 10, 2003
Sick Day
I'm sick, I'm swamped at work, and I'm trying desperately to get to a stopping point so I can go home and go to bed. I'll update when I feel well enough.

Sunday, March 09, 2003
British 1, Iraqis 0
War isn't funny, but this has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read in my life.
TERRIFIED Iraqi soldiers have crossed the Kuwait border and tried to surrender to British forces - because they thought the war had already started.

The motley band of a dozen troops waved the white flag as British paratroopers tested their weapons during a routine exercise.


A British Army source in Kuwait contacted me to explain how the extraordinary surrender bid unfolded. The source said: "The British guys on the front-line could not believe what was happening. They were on pre-war exercises when all of a sudden these Iraqis turned up out of nowhere, with their hands in the air, saying they wanted to surrender.

"They had heard firing and thought it was the start of the war.

"The Paras are a tough, battle-hardened lot but were moved by the plight of the Iraqis. There was nothing they could do other than send them back."
Thanks to the InstaMan for the link and the laughs.

Saturday, March 08, 2003
I got my first Google referral today! Now I feel like I'm in the big time. Apparently I'm the 15th hit for "valkyrie rune updates honda." Schweeeeet.

Guess I need to start writing more about motorcycles. And bombing France.

Zero Tolerance Strikes, and Parents Strike Back
This whole zero-tolerance-in-schools thing is getting really, really old. It's just more symbolism over substance. Zero tolerance policies are merely rules that make administrators feel good while doing absolutely nothing to solve the problems that these policies purportedly address. The fact that school shootings and school violence have continued while zero-tolerance policies get children suspended for playing war during recess make it abundantly clear that the policies are for shit.

The most recent case that I know of comes from Youngstown, Ohio. Apparently, a 6 year-old has been suspended, and may face expulsion, for spiriting a plastic knife out of the cafeteria in his backpack. As usually happens, the parents are suing the school for suspending their child. Strike, counterstrike. This story is old, worn-out, depressing, and predictable, until the last paragraph.
...if the school insists on upholding the suspension, his parents reportedly will seek criminal charges against the school for supplying weapons to children.
(Emphasis mine.) Go get 'em Mr. and Mrs. Long! Give these assclowns a taste of their own medicine. While the logic behind zero-tolerance policies is questionable at the very best, the logic behind suing the school for providing children with these "weapons" is perfectly sequitur, even genius. It certainly won't make these idiots rethink their asinine policies, but it sure will be fun to hear them attempt to rationalize their position.

Friggin' Korea
The Emperor gives it to the South Koreans good. Check it out here.

An Urban Legend Begins
I got a good laugh this morning at work as I was walking back to my office from the vending machines (computer techs must drink Mt. Dew). Usually I'm all alone at work on Saturdays, but today there's some sort of meeting going on down the hall. They were all on break when I was heading back to my office, and I had to walk through the group to get where I was going. Now the breakroom with the vending machines sits right next to the front doors, and on Saturdays I always park my bike right near the doors. I had just gotten through the group of visitors when I heard someone say, "...that [motorcycle] belongs to that crazy guy. He rides everyday, in the cold, in the rain. I've even seen him ride in sleet!" Heh. So I'm the crazy guy, and I ride in sleet. I sure don't remember ever riding in sleet. At least I've finally lived up to my favorite Ride To Work cartoon.

I Hate Hippies
And my favorite song on the subject is MIA's little ditty "I Hate Hippies". The mp3 can be found on on their MIA page. Below, for your edification, are the lyrics as posted on
I hate hippies,
why don’t they die
I hate hippies,
‘cause they’re always fried

‘Cause they’re slow,
I’m fast,
they’re dumb,
I’m smart
They’re weak
I’m strong
I’m right
they’re wrong

Hippies are fucked
They’re always stoned
we should put ‘em away
in a retirement home

we should kill ‘em
kill ‘em like cows
cut off their long hair
and do it now

Friday, March 07, 2003
Serves Her Right
Cry me a river Helen!
Syndicated columnist Helen Thomas, who has covered every president since John F. Kennedy, was relegated to the third row in last night's East Room event and -- if the memory of press corps veterans is accurate -- received her first presidential snub.

One reporter who has covered the past six presidents said: "I don't remember a press conference in which [Mrs. Thomas] didn't get a question."
That's what you get for not playing nice with others.

Speaking of Hippies...
You all probably already know about PETA's most recent outrage, the "Holocaust On Your Plate" ad campaign. What you may not know about is the counter-campaign getting underway over at
PETA is known for this kind of outrageous publicity stunt—and that's what it is, an outrageous publicity stunt—and while I am also offended and outraged, there is absolutely nothing we can do that will make PETA change their ad campaign. I'm sure they knew exactly what they were doing, have a plan in mind, and, if they withdraw the campaign, will do it according to their deadlines and their decisions.

So let's make up our own outrageous publicity stunt. Let's designate Saturday, March 15th, as International Eat an Animal for PETA Day. Everybody set the date on your calendar, and either go out and enjoy a great steak, or cook one at home. Or cook up some chicken or fish or anything else that PETA wouldn't want you to eat. And let's let PETA know how their ad campaign has affected us.
Meryl has posted a form letter to send to PETA in protest against the "Holocaust" campaign and has a lot of good contact info for PETA US and PETA UK.

Considering that PETA is a bunch of burned out, stinky, loony, hippie assclowns, I don't think the letters will sway them much, but I'm getting involved in anything that might get under their skin a little. Plus I get a good steak dinner out of the deal. I'm down.

The "South Park" Wing of the Republican Party
Thanks to Grillmaster Celissa for the link to this TCS article about South Park Republicans.
The name [South Park Republicans] stems from the primetime cartoon "South Park" that clearly demonstrates the contrast within the party. The show is widely condemned by some moralists, including members of the Christian right. Yet in spite of its coarse language and base humor, the show persuasively communicates the Republican position on many issues, including hate crime legislation ("a savage hypocrisy"), radical environmentalism, and rampant litigation by ambitious trial lawyers. In one episode, industrious gnomes pick apart myopic anti-corporate rhetoric and teach the main characters about the benefits of capitalism.


The media generally misrepresents Republicans as religious rich white males. This is patently false. Half of the voting public is Republican. They watch R rated movies, enjoy a few drinks at happy hour, and even go to the occasional Wrestlemania. Hopefully, the South Park Republicans will shatter the unfair stereotype and set the record straight. As Cartman would say, "That would be pretty sweet."
I'm proud to call myself a South Park Republican. Now if I can only get my TV fixed and watch the friggin' show.

Hippies are for Barbecuing?
All I can say to that is, "More please!" Visit Grillmaster Celissa for some delicious, hippie hating goodness.

Thursday, March 06, 2003
China Recognizes Taiwan?
Premier Zhu Rongji's fateful slip of the tounge reported here.

Invasion Imminent?
Drudge is reporting that the fighting may start soon. Very soon.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003
What Goes Around Comes Around
Bad karma has finally caught up with the ACLU in a big way. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of assclowns fellas.
The advocacy organization that crusades for the protection of privacy rights sent its online "Safe and Free Newsletter" out to about 860 people last week but mistakenly made every recipient’s e-mail address available to everyone else.

The ACLU sharply criticized pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly for making a similar error two years ago. Last May, Eli Lilly agreed with the Federal Trade Commission to submit to audits and upgrade its privacy and security practices, among other orders, after sending out a mass e-mail with the personal information of every subscriber to its Prozac information service.

"To the extent that [ACLU leaders] are pointing fingers at private companies, they really are throwing stones at glass houses," said Jim Harper, editor of, a Web-based think tank devoted to privacy. "They took a holier-than-thou attitude and then turned around and did the same thing."
The story goes on to say that the ACLU just got done paying fines and making concessions in the state of New York for a similar mistake. Apparently the ACLU "...agreed to pay $10,000, upgrade its Internet privacy and security systems and submit to audits." Guess it didn't work so well.

The "Schadenfreude Rating" (tm) keeps going up the farther you read through the story. Apparently the ACLU tried to do some C.Y.A. work and ended up revealing the addresses a second time.
Shane Ham, senior policy analyst at a technology think tank called the Progressive Policy Institute, said the organization tried to undo what it had done shortly after the first e-mail was sent out — but wound up revealing all the recipients’ addresses a second time.

"That’s two big privacy violations in 25 minutes," he said. "They compounded the error."
Not only that, but there is some speculation as to whether the ACLU is lying about where they got the email addresses that they inadvertently exposed.
He thinks the ACLU dug an even deeper hole when it tried to explain what happened. The advocacy group said it had solicited the e-mail addresses on its own, rather than taking them out of the existing database. If true, the assertion would mean that their privacy policy doesn't apply.

"We created the database from scratch, and we got the e-mails by calling around to these organizations and asking for them, as anyone could do," Whitfield wrote on

But Ham, who was on the list and didn't get a call asking for his e-mail address, doesn't buy the explanation.

"I believe it’s not true," said Ham. "This is going to be one of those situations where the cover-up is far worse than the crime."
I really hope someone sticks it to the ACLU on this one. I won't be holding my breath though.

Bush vs. Pretzels
Frank's reference to the "pretzel incident" brought to mind a killer parody courtesy of SatireWire (R.I.P.) from early last year.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer today said a miscommunication with the President's medical staff inadvertently caused a report to circulate stating President Bush fainted after choking "on" a pretzel. The President, Fleischer said, actually fainted after choking "the" pretzel.

"It's a simple mistake, and no, I'm not going to explain what it means," Fleischer said.
Do yourself a favor and check this one out. It still makes me laugh 'till I cry.

More of The World According to Frank
"In our top story tonight, the cause of cancer has been discovered: listening to liberals. Experts have found that their ideas are actually so idiotic that they're carcinogenic."

"Hey, Ari, you gotta see this!" Bush shouted as he sat watching TV, "They're reporting... ack... cough... erk..."

Ari Fleischer ran over and gave Bush the Heimlich maneuver, popping a pretzel out of his mouth. "What is it?"

"Rumsfeld convinced reporters he ended freedom of the press again. It's hilarious!"

"Experts say to shun peace rallies at all cost," the report continued, "and recommend quarantining all liberal college professors. Also, they say, if you see Michael Moore, you should beat him with an axe handle before he has a chance to speak."
See the full report here.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Misanthropes of the World...
My good friend Sylvia has started a blog called Misanthropic Rant. A lot of people use the term "misanthropic" inappropriately nowadays, using it to imply simple, formulaic teen angst. Sylvia is not one of those people. Enjoy.

Monday, March 03, 2003
Helen Thomas Tries To Dog Fleischer During Latest IMAO Press Conference
"Is there any truth to the fact that you and President Bush secretly met with Jimmy Carter under the pretenses of asking him to negotiate with North Korea, but then proceeded to beat him up and steal his lunch money."

Fleischer pounded his fist into his palm. "That little squealer! Uh... I mean... I want the press to know that Jimmy Carter is a dirty liar and that all the cool politicians hate him."
Heh. All the cool politicians hate Jimmy. That crazy Frank. Full report here.

Post Victory-in-Iraq Prediction
Mean Mr. Mustard predicts the anti-war side's reaction to the intense ass-whooping we're about to give Saddam.
Sure the war was won triumphantly in a quicker, more humane way than ever in the history of warfare since the one monkey next to the monolith got all uppity with that bone of his, but at what cost? We spent X billion dollars! Couldn't that money have been better used to fund day care centers and buy perscription drugs for seniors? Wouldn't it have been better spent in our public schools? How much did the war hurt our economy?
(Emphasis his). Sigh. Some people just can't (or won't) be pleased.

Saturday, March 01, 2003
Thank God This Week Is Over
This week has sucked. It somehow ended up being composed of sporadic sleep, icy streets, motorcyclelessness (huh?), and a beer shortage. To top it all off, I locked myself out of my office tonight. From 12:30 until almost 2AM I was locked out of my own office by a cruel twist of fate (or stupidity, but I think I'll blame this one on fate).

The electronic passkeys that we all wear behind our badges at work are the only way into the secure area I work in. When I went out for my first smoke, my prox card (don't ask, that's what we call them) somehow fell off of my badge holder and got locked inside the office. When I came back to the office and swiped my badge in front of the card reader, it didn't open. Only then did I realize my prox card was missing. I looked through the glass door and there it was, not 6 feet in front of me, completely out of reach, taunting me. I had to go get a security officer down the hall to call a "mobile unit" to come over with a master key and let me back into my suite. Of course it took the officer an hour to respond to the call, but I finally got back into the office, get back to work, and finish out this hellish week.

Thank God it's over.